This is definitely one of the cooler biker backpacks that we have seen in a long time.
The helmet strap is very convenient, especially if you have an expensive helmet and you don’t want to leave it on your handle bar because sure enough, it will be boosted in an instant. The bike attaches to the bag with the helmet strap and you won’t even notice it is there. The strapping system is comfortable and keeps the bag sturdy, allowing you to carry it in a comfortable manner because of the added support it gives you. The back of the bag is well padded so comfort is always taken into consideration. It has a pocket that houses your iPod and the earphones pass through a hole in the bag. There is space for a hydration pack that keeps the water cool and allows you to drink from it while you are riding.
Its warranty is certainly a testimony to the manufacturers’ belief in the product. There is a lifetime warranty on the Ogio No Drag Backpack and if your bag can not be repaired in the event it gets damaged, you will receive the latest model of an Ogio bag. The bag has heaps of space and can even store a laptop. Padded pockets (water resistant) will ensure that its contents do not get damaged. It includes a large main compartment with multiple interior storage compartments and an interior organizer panel. The Ogio No Drag Backpack is currently being sold for $79.27 and can be , through Amazon.
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